-in exactly 2 months⌛️-, we will regularly publish here photo of documents that helped us to shape the exhibition contents, and which have not been selected at the end, either because they were too large for the intended space, or because they were too fragile to be exposed. The first one is a plate from the journal l’Illustration, 13/02/1915, showing how the war bursted in the couture industry. British soldiers -which were before the war professional buyers of the Seymour House (London)-, used their leave to attend the show of a French couturier in Paris. #history #exhibition #wwi #fashionhistory #fashion#worldwarone #couture #buyer #fashionshow #illustration #archives
Prochain #SemMode, “Mode & Musique”, 16 décembre, 14h30
Prochain #SemMode “#Mode & #Musique“, le 16 décembre, 14h30 avec Lucas Delattre “Mode et Jazz”; Nigel Lezama “Tout ce qui brille…La rencontre du luxe et du hip hop”; Clément Malherbe “Mode, et musique dans les archives de l’INA”, et Brice Partouche.
En raison du nombre limité de places (40), inscription obligatoire ici: https://goo.gl/forms/7X4GYhwGElNkYZXH3
Magnifique affiche signée Jeff Gaudinet, So Alaska
CFP: “Fashion // Intersections: Bodies, Cultures, Spaces”, London
London College of Fashion, London, 15th July 2016, http://fashionintersections.com/callforpapers #fashionintersections
CFP : « The Economy of Dress and Textiles » (Bologne, 15 septembre 2016)
- Date limite: 30 avril 2016
- Date et lieu: 15 septembre 2016, Bologne
The Economy of Dress and Textiles
Continuer la lecture de « CFP : « The Economy of Dress and Textiles » (Bologne, 15 septembre 2016) »
Exposition “FASHION FORWARD, 3 SIÈCLES DE MODE (1715-2016)”
au Musée des arts décoratifs,