Looking at the Paris of fashion media discourse Rocamora will insist on the importance of Foucault’s notion of discourse to interrogate formations of power as articulated in the media. Then drawing on critical political economy she will consider the relation between discourses and the wider structural forces that need to be accounted for to interrogate formations of power.
Dr. Agnès Rocamora is Professor of Social and Cultural Studies at the London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London. She is the author of Fashioning the City: Paris, Fashion and the Media. Her writing on the field of fashion and on the fashion media has appeared in various journals, including Fashion Theory, Journalism Practice, Sociology, Sociétés, and the Journal of Consumer Culture. She is a co-editor of Thinking Through Fashion: A Guide to Key Theorists, of The Handbook of Fashion Studies, and of Fashion Media: Past and Present, and has contributed to various books including Fashion’s World Cities, Fashion as Photograph, Critical Luxury Studies, The End of Fashion and Paris, Capital of Fashion.
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Sophie Kurkdjian (11 avril 2022). ‘The Discursive Construction of Paris Fashion: Interrogating Power Formations’, Agnès Rocamora, April 21th, 6 pm | online. Cultures et Histoires de Mode. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/pnny